On this page, you can find out more about the objective and practical details of the fundraising and your subscription.

The summary information document is available by clicking here.

Purpose of the fundraising

Today, Fuzds is raising up to €1,000,000 against 10% to implement its development strategy.

The funds will be used primarily to develop the product (research and development, machinery and equipment, operating costs, etc.). Speed up production to meet growing demand and diversify the range.

To find out more, see our pitch deck below or download it in PDF format.

Reasons to invest in Fudzs

After 20 years of research in the field of biotechnology, the Fudzs cultivated meat production project is a response to the societal and environmental challenges of the coming years.

This innovative technology enables a considerable increase in production speed and cell density in cultivators.

As well as producing higher yields, these cultivators consume less water, less energy and fewer raw materials than most existing cultivators on the market.

In addition to a reduced carbon footprint (small cultivators, less transport due to local manufacture), this new vision of production on a human scale could offer traditional breeders the prospect of additional income.


Need more information ?

We are at your disposal to enlighten you on your strategy, taxation or the project and the investment opportunity. We also have a complete dataroom with useful numbers and projections for the cultivated meat market.

To get an access please, complete and send us this NDA.

To contact us, send an email at investor@fudzs.com or use our contact from.

*Warning: investing in non-lateral companies presents a risk of loss of capital and liquidity. Only invest money you don’t need immediately, and diversify your savings. [[DSI]